Do n't utter Minority

Violence in Bangladesh

Minority is a objectionable word.It encourages majority to neglect humanity

Any civilised person should not utter such kind of racism oriented word In Bangladesh,the communal groups cunningly use this word to ignore the language,culture and heritage of Hindus communities of Bangladesh It begins before the birth of Bangladesh in 1947 and still its bad affect continue on the Hindus

Once Hindus were 28 percent of total population of Bangladesh but now they were only 9.6 percent
The 9.6 percent was in 2001 and after 12 years it was also 9.6 percent that means no growth rate although general birth rate of Bangladesh is assumed 2.56  
why not any growth of population for Hindus what is the cause behind the scene? who is the culprit for declining this population.
Now it is very important to find out the cause of declining of Hindu population.In a word, state is responsible for that phenomena.Are Hindus are giving up their mother land quietly ?No, it is not truth.They are being forced to leave the country.
But why they fled ? Why they are not protesting this ugly state oppression?I think they should be united to save their households and belongings and culture.A rally or a conference is not a solution at all

In reality,sense of insecurity and social injustice are the main factors of frustration before one Hindu citizen of Bangladesh.First of all prejudice,the prejudice to hate Hindus,to insult Hindus,to humiliate Hindus,to criticised the culture of Hindus,to dishonour the heritage of Hindus and finally convert them or persecution.These are now many prejudice for curve Hindus. Intolerance and lack of respect to other religious beliefs sweeps in the hearts and minds of almost all social strata in Islamic teaching system is main reason of this kind of prejudice x
Bengali Hindus were naive,they are still naive.They have become opposition targets,no matter who win or loss in election,Hindus are target of violence? They are now vulnerable like some beasts or birds( according to some so called intellectuals ).So funny ,they are trying to ignore the Humanity of Hindus of Bangladesh.What a society?

অবশেষে অসমে বসবাসকারী বাংলাভাষী শরণার্থীদের ভারতীয় নাগরিকত্ব মিলিবার আশা জাগিয়াছে। এই শরণার্থীরা তদানীন্তন পূর্ব পাকিস্তান হইতে অসমে আশ্রয় লন মূলত ধর্মীয় নির্যাতন ও সামাজিক-রাষ্ট্রীয় বৈষম্যের শিকার হইয়া। ক্রমে এই শরণার্থীদের ‘বিদেশি নাগরিক’ রূপে চিহ্নিত করিয়া তাহাদের বিতাড়নের জন্য তুমুল আন্দোলন শুরু হয়। এক সময় আন্দোলন বাঙালি শরণার্থীদের গণহত্যায় রূপান্তরিত হয়। অতঃপর আন্দোলনকারীদের সহিত প্রধানমন্ত্রী রাজীব গাঁধী সরকারের ‘অসম চুক্তি’, যাহার শর্তই ছিল ১৯৭১ সালের ২৫ মার্চের পর অসমে প্রবেশকারীদের ‘বিদেশি’ শনাক্ত করিয়া ক্রমান্বয়ে তাহাদের বহিষ্কার, কিন্তু তাহার আগে যাঁহারা এই রাজ্যে আসিয়াছেন, তাঁহাদের ভারতীয় নাগরিকত্ব দান। এত দিনে অসমের নির্বাচিত রাজ্য সরকার এই প্রতিশ্রুতি পালনে মন্ত্রিসভায় সিদ্ধান্ত লইয়াছে।

Doctrine of violence on Hindus in Subcontitent and Bangladesh

Violence in Bangladesh

Doctrine of religious violence begins in this subcontinent in 1933 when the so-called two nation theory appears in this land by Mohammed Ali Jinnah

a blunder historical mistake

Two nation theory
Politicians of Indian subcontinent in 1947 apply two nation theory to divide the Indian subcontinent.Actually it was a conspiracy of British to take revenge the patriot people of India and Pakistan .Two nation theory is the root of all communal violence and terrorism.It is the main culprit behind the religious violence.To divide a nation on the basis of Religion is a primitive and immature venture

The blunder error of politics in 1947 has become now as monster of all sufferings for the inhabitants of Bangladesh,Pakistan and India.Consequently man fanatic groups like HijbuthTahir, Anserullah Bangla team ,Taleban etc have appeared and trying to make division among the peace loving citizens of Bangladesh.The unruly members these groups

vandalised, torched and looted valuables from the houses of Hindus in the northwestern districts of Dinajpur and Thakurgaon. The attacks were carried out at the Laad Dabra village under Sator union

সংখালঘু একটি বর্ণবাদী শব্দ......

সংখালঘু একটি বর্ণবাদী শব্দ..

সংখালঘু একটি বর্ণবাদী শব্দ .. এই শব্দটি বাংলাদেশে মুসলমান ছাড়া অন্য নাগরিকদের insult করা হয়
অজ্ঞানে এই শব্দ একটি জাতির বর্ণনা পরিসংখ্যান মতবাদ প্রকাশ করতে সুশীল সমাজে ব্যবহার করা হয়

এই ভুল ব্যবহারসমূহ ​​নিপীড়ন ও দমন উত্সাহিত নীতিগতভাবে করা হয়

আমি শব্দ সংখ্যালঘু একটি জাতি বর্ণনা করার লজ্জাকর মনে করি এবং

এটা ঐতিহাসিক সাঙ্ঘাতিক ভুল দুই জাতি তত্ত্ব অনুপ্রাণিত করে

This word is used to humiliate the citizens other than Muslims in Bangladesh
Unconsciously this word is also used in civil society to express statistics doctrine to describe a nation
in principle this wrong uses encourage the oppression and suppression of people who are not belong to main religious as Bangladesh is moderate Muslim country
I think the word minority is disgraceful to narrate a nation and it inspires the historical blunder two nation theory and gear up the vested groups to humiliate and people who belong to other than Muslim religion

Ugly attack on Hindu community but what is remedy?

Hindus are scapegoats in Bangladesh

Ugly attack on the Hindu community at Dinajpur and Jessore of Bangladesh
This is now a fashion of Bangladeshi radical muslims groups
Is it a destiny of us? If so who has done the crime?And who is responsible for that?
What is the curse behind the scene? Where is the civil society?Where is UN? what is the punishment for religious violence? Is there any remedy for such brutal attack? I know ,no answer for this question
Sympathy is not at all a solution.
the attitude so-called civil society should be changed to Hindus
otherwise everything would be crocodile tears but nothing

সংখালঘু একটি বর্ণবাদী শব্দ......

Ugly attacks on Hindu religious minded people

The Hindu communities are now elements of political game of Bangladesh Awamileague and BNP
This game was started in 1933 and come to this stage via two nation theory in 1947 which was introduced by British administrator to divide subcontinent to take revenge on the patriots of this land through Muhammad Ali Jinnah of All India Muslim League and Pandit Jawahar Lal although Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan was opposition to the partition of India
He is known as "Frontier Gandhi" or "Sarhadi Gandhi", was not convinced by the two-nation theory and wanted a single united India as home for both Hindus and Muslims.I salute this foresight man .Because he was a real man of land of this subcontinent.
He was a true patriot of sub continent.

Humilation of Hindus

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Birth of the Tanguar haor and as world heritage

The Tanguar haor is a natural wetland which was formed due to tectonic movements in Miocene time
The Shillong Massif and the Indo-Burman folded mountain belts are two main structural frames of Tanguar haor.

The Tanguar Haor is located at the north-eastern frontier of Bangladesh which is a part of

 post-geosynclinal Bengal Basin.Subsiding from Oligocene  to Pliocene time is the main tectonic event of the origin of Tanguar  haor .  The pre-Cambrian basement,the igneous hard rock, of the Shillong Massif and Dauki fault  on East are related to birth history of haor basin, the Tanguar haor ,which ascends gradually towards the Eocene Hinge Zone with a thickness of 6000 ft of sediments on the Bengal Foredeep.

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image Locally beel(depression) is used to describe the small water body and in monsoon period theses beels merged into  one gigantic water body like a pseudo sea which is actually the largest fresh water body of Bangladesh. Hundreds  of beels  comprise enormous resources for the mankind.Now this place is very important to international community as its wetland ecology,flora and fauna,biodiversity,birds habitat and breathing point of human beings  .