Birth of the Tanguar haor and as world heritage

The Tanguar haor is a natural wetland which was formed due to tectonic movements in Miocene time
The Shillong Massif and the Indo-Burman folded mountain belts are two main structural frames of Tanguar haor.

The Tanguar Haor is located at the north-eastern frontier of Bangladesh which is a part of

 post-geosynclinal Bengal Basin.Subsiding from Oligocene  to Pliocene time is the main tectonic event of the origin of Tanguar  haor .  The pre-Cambrian basement,the igneous hard rock, of the Shillong Massif and Dauki fault  on East are related to birth history of haor basin, the Tanguar haor ,which ascends gradually towards the Eocene Hinge Zone with a thickness of 6000 ft of sediments on the Bengal Foredeep.

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image Locally beel(depression) is used to describe the small water body and in monsoon period theses beels merged into  one gigantic water body like a pseudo sea which is actually the largest fresh water body of Bangladesh. Hundreds  of beels  comprise enormous resources for the mankind.Now this place is very important to international community as its wetland ecology,flora and fauna,biodiversity,birds habitat and breathing point of human beings  .